April SCA Meeting in Florida!
Enjoying the hotel at Dad’s conference!
This year Paul was able to attend the Society for Cardiac Anesthesiologists meeting in Florida as an extension of his training - and to continue the never ending education in medicine! The little guy and I decided that it was a prime opportunity to join Paul at his conference for a little family fun. While Paul was dressing in a shirt and tie every day, I was able to stay in my sweatpants and go for walks around the hotel.
Loving the warm weather for playing outside!
Smelling the flowers at the entrance to Universal Studios!
We like to save money while traveling by stopping at local grocery stores, so our first day the little guy and I went on a shopping adventure for some fruit and other essential toddler groceries. I also thought it would be a good outlet mall opportunity, so we hit that up as well! During our days, we spent some time swimming at the pool and waiting for Paul to be done with his conference. I also spent a decent amount of time "fake sleeping" so the young man would nap. It was a waisted effort. I was hoping our time sleeping in the pack and play wasn't over!!
My buddy!!
Paul was the biggest kid in the play area!
One of the days in Florida we reserved for the adventures of Disney. I was a bit skeptical because going to Disney is essential the complete and polar opposite of "vacationing off the grid", which my side of the family typically enjoys. I was also a bit concerned that Drew wouldn't like all the chaos and commotion or have a major meltdown. But - we decided to take the plunge - and of course, all my anxieties were proven wrong! Drew loved it - I loved watching Drew love it - and I enjoyed a few of the rides myself! Luckily we were with expert Disney go-ers (Dan and Deanna) who showed us all of the tricks of "Fast Pass" and baby trade. It would have been way too overwhelming for Paul and I without their guidance.
Family fun on Dumbo!
Disney Castle photo!
We had a great time at Magic Kingdom. Drew loved It's a Small World, so we went on that ride more than once. We also stayed lated into the evening and almost closed the place down. Drew was an absolute trooper and stayed awake almost the entire day. He was in awe and loved the whole experience.
…this picture sums up our entire Disney experience. Paul focused, me taking pictures, Drew enjoying the ride!
I couldn't believe how much we all enjoyed it. We were fortunate that Paul's continuing education courses brought us down to Orlando. We had a wonderful time going out to dinner and walking around the entrance to Universal studios in our non-disney days. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to adventure to Florida again in the future as a fam!
One more late night ride on small world! We had a wonderful time!