Post Boards Parental Visit!

Time to get some frozen yogurt!


Home makeover!
Right after boards, just a few hours after it was done really, my parents drove all day and arrived in Pittsburgh! It was the first time I had seen them in a long time, since we study for boards about 8 weeks straight... yeessh! I was spending a lot of time with Steph, Taylor, and Duerr during the study session, which was a blast! It was one of the first times that I could actually handle myself in a group study situation. Haha, I guess when the stakes are high, I will actually stop talking! Who knew?? I was so relieved to have the test over and came back pale as a ghost in my Eric Church shirt ready to kick of my boots and a have a glass a wine. Done!

I planned the test perfectly which allowed me to take almost a week off to finally start working on the house - and with my mom and dad in town, I knew that we were going to put a major dent into the projects that we wanted to complete! The top priority was painting the house... ewww. The current color throughout was a light pink which made my stomach flip. Mom and I went shopping and picked out a bunch of warm Martha Stewart colors to put on the walls. The color pallet all seemed to come together quite nicely! Nice work Martha. We even decided to paint the ceilings in our madness! The only color that we were scared about when it went up on the walls was our color for the first floor - before it dried completely, it appeared that the warm white we had chosen was actually neon green. Luckily, we stuck to our wits and painted anyway - because the color we have now is perfect!

Curty painting the master bedroom a warm green...

Paul and I out for Chinese in Squirrel Hill

Chinese food to say thank you for your help!
The only thing we didn't paint was the kitchen (because its a hot mess) and the upstairs bathroom because I mainly just got lazy. We put two coats on the entire house otherwise, and it turned out excellent. Paul and I are so scared to nail anything to the walls because of how nice it looks! We still haven't put up a decoration yet... maybe next visit.

The new lumber truck... the Prius!

Don't worry mum, we covered it completely in tarps!
We also accomplished a lot of tasks around the house like mounting Paul's TV, planting new grass in the backyard, cementing all of the cracks around the garage in the front yard, filling in all of the thousands of nail holes that were in our walls from the previous owner, and generally whipping the house into shape in a short time!

Dad filling in the connection to outside that was randomly in our house... nice.
Our favorite repair however was the new drains in the basement and garage - OH THANK GOODNESS! The old school drains that were installed were hooked up with a direct connection to the city sewer - which results in a direct connection to the smell of foul human feces. UGH, absolutely disgusting...we know! But now, thanks to father's genius, we found drains that have water traps, which means no more turd fumes! YAHOOO! The best score of the whole remodeling project - by far!

Handyman Pauly

The TV Mount, on Paul's MUST DO list...
So, thank you Curty and Deb for the help and motivation to tackle some of our massive DIY projects! It was quite a feat, and everyone was exhausted after the week - but we did it!