Thanksgiving in Wisconsin with Dale

Dale flying coach, and my yellow travel pants.
One of my more adventurous moves included taking a brand new puppy on a plane to Wisconsin after having him for only a week and a half. What I was thinking, I have no idea. I gave him a little Benadryl in his favorite Little Cesar's kong and threw him in a fabric basket to put under the seat in front of me. I was pretty sure he was going to bark the whole way - but much to my relief he fussed around to get comfortable and continued to look up at me with sad eyes through his carrier the entire trip. Also, I should note - Dale was not potty trained at this point - so much of my layovers were spent in the girls bathroom trying to get him to pee on pee-pads while he was trying to sniff the stall of the ladies next to me. It was a ridiculous display.

Lyssa getting some lovin' from her new nephew.

Who can spot the pooch?
Luckily we made it in one piece and Mom picked me up at the Green Bay airport and was utterly shocked that I had a dog with me hahah! We thought we would never see the day. Dale took a pee and got to ride shotgun on our way to Appleton. We went to show Kathy and the Anderson family the new pooch. They were in love with the crazy terrier, and got to take care of him for a bit while we went to grab a crate and puppy essentials.

Something I thought I would never see, my dad reading next to a dog.

Dale enjoying the snow of Wisconsin!
The next morning, mum and I got our hair did and I met up with Lyssa after school to cause some trouble in Seymour per-ush. We danced like crazy and came back to let Dale outside for a midnight tinkle. He was pretty concerned when I rolled down the hill with him - hey, I was just trying to bond. Then I let the pooch sleep with me in the futon and woke up to his rustling under the covers by the feet terrified that Lyssa was sleeping at the foot of my bed. Needless to say, it was another classic adventure and my parents were entertained.

Tristan teaching Dale a few new tricks, like how to be taller.
The following afternoon was Thanksgiving, and we were fortunate to spend it with the Nagel family at Sue's house. Dale came too, he's already spoiled. The food was excellent and I had to chance to catch up with their rapidly growing kids and Grandpa VB. It's too bad the Packer's didn't win, but hey, can't have it all.

Venison sausage. Seriously, to die for. (well the deer anyway)

No luck hunting, but it sure was fun!
That afternoon we went up north so I could do a little hunting in the woods with Dad. It was the second weekend of the season so the darn whitetails tend to wise-up by this time and only feed at night. However, we went out every morning and evening to try to get a glimpse of fresh venison. Nothing. We saw a few squirrels but unfortunately not a deer this year. I'll have to try my luck again next year - skunked two years in a row is not a great sign. Luckily Dad got a few with his muzzleloader so we had some meat for fresh breakfast sausage. So delicious.

Our peaceful back yard in Seymour. Miss this view every morning.
It was so nice to be back in Wisconsin to relax over Thanksgiving. Dale, mom and I took numerous walks and he played in the snow and destroyed numerous water bottles and peed in our house. Classic Dale behavior really. I think Dale secretly misses Wisconsin, and hopefully we'll both be able to go back soon!

DALE takes a SELFIE, and tweets that he's at Buck's camp.