Pittsburgh Summer Time

Bari and Nancy summer backyard BBQ - Dale goes to Jersey.
Pittsburgh in the summer can only mean, Pirates Games! I had the opportunity to join Josiah and the gang for a few Pirates games at PNC Park. I love the brewers, but there's something special about PNC being right on the water. You can walk along the shoreline and see all the tied up yachts and walk across the bridge at night before the game starts and watch the fireworks go off as the people funnel out of the stadium.

The game where someone else with the exact same outfit as me stole stuff, haha!

Find the Cow. We found it.
In addition to Pirates, the summer is full of BBQs, moving parties and much productivity in the lab and life. I love the early rising sun because I can run in the park at 6AM and not think twice about how dark it is in the woods. It's such a great time of year! Dale I am sure also enjoys the summer because it means he gets numerous walks and extra attention. We even took it upon ourselves to find him a little watering hole so he could romp around in the insanely dirty water/mud. Frick Park is such a treat in the summer and we are spoiled to have it right in our backyard!

Dale and I on our early morning summer runs!

Dale learning how to play in the park on his first birthday!

We even got Paul to join us for a Pirates game!

PNC at night - the skyline is worth it!
I also had the chance to join Anna, Humberto, and Ceci for a Dave Matthews Concert. This was way out of my league and I was so excited to join them. We went fairly early and managed to get some excellent lawn seats - probably because we weren't tailgating in the parking lot for 4 hours before the concert - haha. I never had the chance to go to a DMB concert, but all I could think about was Lyssa and Jeanne in their attempts to get o the concert in college and getting lost in the woods as accidental trespassers. A classic beans and Lyss story really. We all had a great time trying to jam to the music and getting lost in the flow of the music haha! Then we left a little early like the old people we are - hehe!

Humberto, Anna and Ceci at DMB!

GREAT seats!

The DMB ladies - such a fun unexpected adventure!
It real was an excellent summer - although always hard to find the perfect balance between work and play. Maybe next summer will be more play and less work - one can only hope!