Back to MS3, for a third time!
Back to school gear!
It was time to head back to clinical rotations, after taking a few weeks of elective work in order to recover from having a baby. During my elective time, I was able to get a decent amount of medical school homework done, while spending ample time snuggling my baby boy close. Unfortunately, our days together would become limited as I had to migrate back to clinical rotations. I decided to start back with pediatrics. Pediatrics is an inpatient rotation, lasting four weeks.
Trying to study the best I can!
The rotation started the first week of December. It started with a quick orientation, and then we were off to meet our teams on the floors. I met with our residents and attending, and anticipated a great week. It was definitely an adjustment being back with a 6 week old. I was still waking up frequently during the night to feed my little man, and I had to be to work by 5:30AM. That translates to a 4:15 wake up call so I can shower, pack, pump and then moped in the depths of winter to Childrens Hospital.
Paul's mom and my parents were gracious enough to help us with the little guy so he could spend a few more weeks at home before heading to school with his Big brother. They helped as I tried my best to study during the evenings and weekends. Although, it took all my effort simply to stay awake in the evenings for dinner, feeding, and preparing for the next day. I would try to get in a few USMLE World questions, then eventually pass out... the next day I would rinse and repeat, and try to make it through another week.
Pumping factory and a turkey sandwich, life is good!
My morning ride to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh!
Besides the fatigue, being back was very enjoyable. My teams were all wonderful, and I was able to close the month with a few days on Peds GI, which was particularly interesting. I loved taking care of our GI patients. The week prior to that I spent in the Observation unit, which provided me ample time with new little babies as they wrestled with viral infections and bronchiolitis.
We still made time for a one day trip to the zoo!